Our Network.

What do we have in store for you.

Great Community

We've got an amazing community, it's always fun here!

Always Online

Our server has a 99.99% Uptime with close to no lag!

Regular Updates

To let you enjoy our services, we add new content all the time!

Custom Plugins

We have custom plugins for some uniqe gameplay

What are you waiting for?

Join us now at play.slampvp.com

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We've got several gamemodes.


FarmTycoon was created as a multiplayer tycoon game on Minecraft which is easy to play, understand and master. The point of the game is to get as much money as you can by farming and selling crops.


This is a farming server based around plots, your end goal is to have the most money on the server. You can achieve this goal by making your own automated farms. You can get more building space and other perks by leveling up with in-game ranks.

One In The Chamber

One In The chamber (Oitc) is a fast paste bow and arrow mini-game where you can train your bow skills. This server uses 1.8 PVP mechanics.

Survival (1.14)

Play Survival with your friends in our vanilla Survival server with player-warps and shops. We have a Logger and claim-system so all your builds are always protected.

The Heist

This game mode is a work in progress and will be released never. It will be based around the VR Titel Budget Cuts but entirely made in vanilla Minecraft with resource packs.

Want to buy a Rank?

Check out our store at slamstore.buycraft.net

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The people that made us how we are today.

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